Hunting folding knife JEEP SL877 - NP001
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Grip is made of stainless steel and wood with non-slip surface.
Hunting folding knife DA27 - NP005
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Grip is made of steel and wood with non-slip surface.
Tourist hunting folding knife Columbia - NP024
Nóż został wykonany z wysokogatunkowej stali nierdzewnej 440C. Posiada zabezpieczenie przed przypadkowym zamknięciem.
Posiada klips mocujący do paska.
Tourist hunting folding knife KANDAR Karambit - NP031
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife Columbia - NP035
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife Columbia Karambit - NP037
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife TAC-FORCE - NP039
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife KANDAR Karambit - NP046
Nóż renomowanej Polskiej firmy KANDAR.
Nóż składany wzorowany na indonezyjskich nożach typu Carambit służących do samoobrony.
Nóż został wykonany z wysokogatunkowej stali nierdzewnej 440C. Posiada zabezpieczenie przed przypadkowym zamknięciem.
Tourist hunting folding knife BAO FENG - NP048
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife Columbia - NP049
The knife is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Tourist hunting folding knife - NP055
The kinfe is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Grip is made of plastic with non-slip surface. The grip is very comfortable.
The knife is very sharp!
Hunting tourist folding knife HAWK Y.S - NP061
The kinfe is made of a superior quality stainless steel 440C. It has a protection against accidental fold.
Grip is made of steel with non-slip surface. The grip is very comfortable.
The knife is very sharp!